It is incredibly challenging to simply describe what “we” believe since “we” consist of many different people, from various religious backgrounds, who are all curious and seeking to learn more about the ways of Jesus. Some of us have been hurt by the church (personally, socially, systemically, politically etc.) and some have been churchgoers our whole lives. Our church is made up of doubters, seekers, deconstructionists, traditionalists, charismatics, conservatives, liberals and everything in between. Because of this, we value diversity in thought, experiences, religious practices and more. Life is messy, God is big and we believe our community best represents the heart of Jesus when we come all together. 

As a church… 

  • We desire to break down the barriers that get in the way of people following Jesus. 
  • We believe the church has work to do in mending the brokenness we see in the world. 
  • We want to be a bridge that brings people to Jesus so they can do the continual work of reconciling themselves to God, others and creation. 
  • We affirm the dignity of all humanity and find great peace in humbly living out the maxim; “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” 

Our essentials… 

  • Jesus is Lord 
  • All people are made in the image of God 
  • God is mysterious and uncontainable 
  • Love God then love all people