Culture of Liturgy: We believe in living liturgy – the work of the people. We value the participation of the community in the weekly gathering. Every gathering we seek to engage in the following in equal parts and time:

  • Music: We lift up Jesus in song. We create an environment to connect with God through music and reflection; giving space to hold the tension of life, whether in celebration or lamentation.
  • Gospel: We love Jesus and His word. We offer a presentation of the story or life of Jesus that helps us to reorient our lives towards His way. We do this through teaching; incorporating scripture, theology, psychology, philosophy, and science. 
  • Rhythms: We are captivated by the posture and practices of Jesus. We set aside time every week to cultivate this posture and practice in community. 

Culture of Ministry: We desire to minister within the diversity of our local community. Our general focus is:

  • Children’s: All types of family units are welcome. We offer age appropriate liturgy on the same topic at Sunday morning gatherings; when it is appropriate, we value everyone being together.
  • Teens: We encourage middle and high school students to participate in the Sunday morning experience. We also offer age specific programming when needed outside Sunday morning. We encourage teens to engage with Young Life and Wyldlife in the Wilsonville community and offer other specific groups based on needs.
  • Table Groups: We believe life happens at the Table. We encourage a smaller community environment where we gather, eat, learn and discuss life and our ever-changing and growing faith.
  • Outreach: We partner with organizations here, near and far that are doing amazing work already; organizations who have dedicated people and resources to serve specific needs. We believe there is no need to duplicate good work already being done.

Culture of Leadership: We believe that great leadership is postured in deep humility, honest accountability, and mutual respect. We lead from a place of unity,  practiced rhythms and rest. We seek to lean into this through:

  • Pastors: Those who shepherd our community. Pastors carry the vision of the Parish with shared responsibilities. They are community focused – seeking to give ownership and authority away. All staff are considered pastors. 
  • Leaders: Leaders sit at a big table where anyone can be welcomed. Staff or volunteers with defined roles and schedules, carrying ownership and responsibility for the local ministry. 
  • Elders: Shepherds need shepherds. A group of committed church members who carry ownership and responsibility by helping to minister to staff and pastors and bring gracious and godly accountability. 
  • Advisory Council: Life is messy. When necessary, a third party will be hired to advise the leadership team on major decisions.